Islam is the only religion, which provides man with the clear guidance in every aspect of life. It not only provides a complete system of individual, family, but also teaches about social life including internal and external affairs and policies of a state. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has presented himself as a perfect model in all these aspects as instructed by Islam. An aspect of his Sunnah proves him as a perfect statesman, who runs a successful and welfare state with his just principles and clear rulings on government and politics. His Holy Companions (Allah be pleased with them) followed his principles of state and politics during their caliphate, and left the perfect examples of a welfare state. Politics deal with managing national and community affairs in a perfect way which may ensure the complete welfare system for the whole society. In present scenario, it has become the topic of the Day. The article in hand will discuss this topic in the perspective of Islam and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Researcher will analyse the content, and use a close-ended Questionnaire through Qualitative type of research. It will be Descriptive in expression. It will help the Researchers, politician, and the statesman of contemporary era to deduct their responsibilities in the perspective of Islam in order to create a balanced and welfare society.
Keywords: Islam, Politics, Contemporary Society, Welfare State