Artistic Innovation and Creativity: Driving Forces of Human Progress

Artistic Innovation and Creativity: Driving Forces of Human Progress


  • Dr. Omar Qureshi University of Balochistan, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities


Artistic innovation, Creativity, Human progress, Interdisciplinarity, Cultural impact


Artistic innovation and creativity have long been recognized as fundamental driving forces behind human progress across various domains, including but not limited to art, science, technology, and social development. This article explores the multifaceted roles played by artistic innovation and creativity in shaping societies and advancing human civilization. Drawing upon interdisciplinary perspectives from psychology, sociology, anthropology, and art history, we examine the mechanisms through which creativity fosters innovation, the cultural and societal impacts of artistic endeavors, and the symbiotic relationship between artistic expression and human advancement. By synthesizing existing research and providing new insights, this article contributes to a deeper understanding of the pivotal role of artistic innovation in driving human progress.




How to Cite

Dr. Omar Qureshi. (2023). Artistic Innovation and Creativity: Driving Forces of Human Progress. Journal of Religion and Society, 1(2), 1–16. Retrieved from